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    Sylvain Deschenes Tai Chi Club
  • I’ve been doing Tai Chi for about twenty years, and I still enjoy it. Practicing Tai Chi brings me both physical and psychological balance. The ongoing quest for perfection contributes to my well-being and improves my health. For me, Tai Chi is a lifestyle. I’m sure I’ll continue as long as my legs can carry me and even after, when I will practice while sitting.

  • I’ve been practicing Tai Chi for about 6 or 7 years. I take classes periodically since I suffer from an inflammatory arthritic condition.  In spite of my illness, I always go back to Tai Chi when my flare-ups subside. That’s how much it means to me. I have always had a lot of trouble with my coordination, orientation and balance, but I keep going to Tai Chi. Because Tai Chi has helped me a lot with these issues, in addition to improving my posture and strengthening my muscles and ligaments (which means fewer flare-ups). It’s an activity that alleviates my physical and mental tensions and helps me focus my attention and breathe better. Tai Chi does not glorify competition and performance, which is perfect for me. No matter how old you are, you can practice this discipline and find enjoyment and well-being.

    Christiane G.
  • Tai Chi has had a profound effect on me in every way: balance, concentration, sensitivity, relaxation, and energy. It’s not always easy, but I feel the personal benefits increase. Tai Chi is a path to personal and interior fulfilment. It is, and always will be, an essential part of my life.

    Thérèse E.
  • Tai-Chi is much more than a physical and mental activity/exercise, it is a life style for me. Tai Chi Club offers many useful learning possibilities for our health and well-being, and presents a constantly evolving practice for all its members. By sharing my knowledge of this gentle marshal art with students of all ages, I feel very grateful.

    Helga K.
  • Hello. I would like to tell you about the benefits of Tai Chi for me. I discovered a discipline that gives me energy. I can feel the effects after every class. I also appreciate the martial art explanation behind the movements, which gives them even more meaning. People of all ages can practice Tai Chi, even those with physical limitations. It develops good qualities such as slowness, flexibility, fluidity and harmony, and it is truly relaxing when it takes the form of meditation in motion. Tai Chi deserves be more well known. Long life to your school; your teaching is highly appreciated.

    Denise G.
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