All of our teachers have been trained by the Tai Chi Club and have a minimum of 5 years of training. Teachers must attend a minimum of 1 or 2 workshops per year that are organized by Tai Chi Club.
Corinne Loumède
Coming soon!

Daniel Bélanger
In 2002, Daniel has discovered Chinese health system, to practice Tai Chi Chuan, which allows to develop a flexible and dynamic internal strength, optimize body functions and reinforce the immune system. This is a kind of moving meditation that helps to balance the body and mind.
In Sept. 2008 Daniel has found a traditional tai chi school – Sifu Grace and Sylvain, which has taught Tung/Dong family of Yang style tai chi, he also have learned Hao form, Push hand, Fa-Jing, Fast tai chi, weapons, such as sword, sabre and double sticks, on top he has learned qi-gong.
In Sept. 2012 Daniel has accepted training teacher. In April 2014 he passed successfully all requirements as Tai Chi Club teacher, and have received certification. He finds Tai Chi Club is serious of training teachers, he keeps teaching tai chi and qi-gong, to share and spread his passion of the art that brings vitality and well being.

Geneviève Huppé
Geneviève Huppé has been a member of the Chui Lap Kan Tai Chi Club since 2018.
She first discovered Tai Chi during her university studies. It was several years later that she returned to practicing this art for its multiple benefits, particularly to reduce her stress level. For her, practicing Tai Chi is like a form of meditation in movement.
Following the teachings of Sifu Grace Chui, she has learned the different forms of the club (long form of Yang style, Hao form, sword, sabre) as well as the techniques behind the movements practiced. She participates in the different improvement workshops organized by the club each year.
After completing Tai Chi Club’s requirements, Geneviève obtained her teacher certification in August 2024. In her role as a teacher, she is constantly looking for new ways to explain movements to students in order to facilitate their learning.

Georges Belinsky
Georges Belinsky did karate, kendo, and jodo for several years. He subsequently chose Tai Chi to practice a more flexible discipline, allowing him to acquire a more supple state of mind which requires willpower, perseverance and equally rigorous training. He has started Tai Chi with Sifu Grace Chui of Tai Chi Club in 2013.
His favorite forms are the traditional Yang style form, Hao, and sword, as well as the 8 Brocade Qi Gong and Huo Tuo Qi Gong.
In August 2024, Georges completed all the requirements to become a certified Tai Chi Club teacher.

Gilbert Riverin
A member of the Chui Lap Kan Tai Chi Club since 2016, Gilbert Riverin has nearly thirty years of experience in martial arts, having previously practiced Wing Chun, Judo, Aikido and Karate. Realizing the health benefits of Tai Chi, he found it to be a martial art for life. For him, it is a privilege to belong to the Tai Chi Club, which is in the lineage of Tung Ying-chieh, and whose teachings are perpetuated by Sifu Grace Chui.
In addition to the Yang-style long form, Gilbert particularly appreciates the Hao form in this tradition. He also practices the other forms taught at the club, such as sword and saber, as well as push-hands, and takes part in the various workshops organized by the club every year. Having satisfied the requirements of the Tai Chi Club, Gilbert obtained his teacher certification in August 2024.

Gilles Saint-Denis
Gilles Saint-Denis practice Tai Chi Yang style since 1997. He came to this discipline for its benefits in both the body and the mind.
In 2005, he joined the Tai Chi Club and studied under Master Grace Chui. He improves and refines his long form. He learns the sword and saber forms, forms that develop energy. He participated in several workshops given by Master Alex Dong.
He is teaching since 2011 and is a certified Tai Chi Club teacher since June 2012.
He finds Tai Chi a source of immense development. Indeed, how can it be that an art issued from a so small number of basic movements can provide so many different sequences, expressed so smoothly or dynamically and where development can proceed by controlling our inner body and of our mind?

Helga Klein
Helga was born in Germany and has spent most of her career working for various hotel services in Europe and Canada. It is this career that not only brought her to Canada, but also allowed her to work with the public. Helga wanted a way to get fit and healthy that was kind to the body. She heard about Tai Chi and how it conditions the body and the mind using flowing, mindful and precise movements. This interested her so she set out to learn more and in the late ‘90s began her search for a Tai Chi school in the Montreal area. In 1997, she met Master Chui Lap Kan and his team, was impressed by his knowledge of the art, and decided to begin her Tai Chi with the master. Master Chui and his daughter, now Master Grace, noticed Helga’s dedication early on, and helped her develop the skills she would need to succeed.
Since then, Helga has given many demonstrations of Tai Chi in Canada and China, and she has participated in numerous seminars and workshops given by Masters Dong Chen Zhen and Alex Dong. She was a Tai Chi teacher’s assistant for a few years, and became a teacher in 2005. A major highlight occurred in November 2006, when she attended the Tung Ying Kit International Gathering in Hong Kong.
Her primary goal as a teacher is to share her knowledge of Tai Chi Chuan, Yang style, to those who seek it, and to demonstrate the benefits of the art. Helga learned from her lifelong work with the public that patience, simplicity and empathy are key to ensuring her students get the most from her lessons. Helga believes that it is important for practitioners to show respect for the traditional aspects of Tai Chi, as this more than anything, demonstrates appreciation to the masters who created this beautiful martial art.

Irene Ho
Irene Ho started to learn the art of Tai Chi Yang style in 1983 in Hong Kong. After she moved to Montreal in 1991, she continued her training of Yang style and has learned other forms of Tai Chi and Qi Gong with several teachers.
In 2016, Irene completed a teacher training course for Ba Duan Jin at the Institut de Qi Gong du Québec, and she regularly attends seminars led by associations such as the International Health Qi Gong Federation.
In 2017, Irene joined the Tai Chi Club – Chui Lap Kan where she has learned Yang style taught by Sifu Grace Chui, under the lineage of Tung Ying Chieh and Chui Lap Kan. As she aims to deepen her practice, she regularly participates in Tai Chi workshops conducted by Master Alex Dong and Sifu Grace Chui.
In 2019, her passion motivated her to seek further teacher training for Tai Chi Yang style 24 form at Long Tou Shan school in Yangshuo, China where she also deepened her training of Tai Chi with fan.
In December 2023, Irene successfully fulfilled the necessary requirements and criteria to be granted the title of Certified Teacher at Tai Chi Club. In addition, it is always with great enthusiasm that she shares her passion when she teaches Tai Chi and Qi Gong.

Jacques Boutin
Jacques Boutin was certified as a teacher for the Tai Chi Club in 2022 completing the requirements of the Club. He always follows improvement workshops with Sifu Grace Chui over the years.
More than 30 years ago, while looking for a way to know himself better and feel better in his body, Jacques experienced Tai Chi for the first time. Having had a rather sedentary job and participating in multiple activities and intense sports, the practice of Tai Chi and Qi Gong allowed him to recover his health, combined with appropriate professional treatments. It is for these reasons that he hopes to introduce this ancient martial art to his students.
Over the years, Jacques discovered the art of consciously directing his attention in his actions, as well as moving in a relaxed and balanced manner. In his search for well-being, he also followed several seminars and training in personal development and the mastery of subtle energy.

Jacques Descaraga
Born in Madagascar and moving to Canada in 1972 to pursue a professional career in aeronautics, Jacques Descarrega discovered the martial arts and more specifically the discipline of judo, where he obtained his black belt.
In 2016, he became interested in Tai Chi and joined the Tai Chi Club – Chui Lap Kan under the direction of Sifu Grace Chui. Jacques quickly understood the deeper meaning of Tai Chi, the mind guiding the Qi to generate action. For him, Tai Chi is the mastery of body and mind.
Jacques attended workshops with Masters Sifu Grace and Alex Dong to deepen his knowledge and understanding of Tai Chi. He is particularly interested in classes and workshops with weapons, including sabres, swords and sticks.
Successfully passing all criteria of Tai Chi Club, he becomes a certified teacher in December 2023, his greatest pleasure is to share his experience and passion for Tai Chi with students and friends so that they can reap its benefits.

Jean-Pierre Raiche
Jean-Pierre Raiche has been studying Tai Chi Chuan since 2002 with Chui Lap Kan, after 2004 Jan. he has learned continuously with Sifu Grace.
In 2007 he has passed all requirements of TCC and certified by TCC. He continues learning without stopping.
Jean-Pierre admires Tai Chi is its simplicity and complexity simultaneously. How such simple movements can grab our attention without ever tiring. TAI CHI is renewed according to our perception and time we give him. I t allows us to improve both physically and mentally.

Danielle Kapochena
Danielle Kapochena is a web professional, with an interest in sea kayaking and the Arts. She began learning about Tai Chi Chuan in 2000. In 2004, Danielle learned the Yang Style Tai Chi and Chi Kong from Grace Chui and Sylvain Deschênes. Through her sifu’s never ending guidance and support she became passionate about Tai Chi.
Danielle finds Tai Chi is not just a set of movements carved in stone but a steady flow of energy.
Part of the practice is to be aware of our bodies, our breath and our movements in space. In every movement, the energy is different, being aware of that is also part of practice. She realises Tai Chi is a wonderful art that blends science & spirit. The mechanics of the mind with those of the body.
In 2008 Danielle began teaching and discovered a whole new world. A world filled with sharing and practice, practice and sharing. She understands: ‘’To observe it and accept it. Nothing is permanent, everything changes. Tai Chi does not reveal its secrets easily. It blooms from within during each practice.’’

Jérémie Poitras
Jérémie is a musician, author-composer-interpreter and a music coach. In 2004, due to health problems, doctors recommended exercises like Tai Chi.
In Sept. 2006 he has learned Tai Chi under the instruction of sifu Grace Chui at Tai Chi Club. The teaching is precise and demanding. Since then his health has changed greatly.
With the rigorous and daily practice of Chi- Gong and Tai Chi Chuan, his body started to reconstruct. In addition he also practices Hao/Wu form, weapons as: sword and sabre; Fast set, Tui Shu (soft hands/sticky hands) which brings a better understanding of the art, the energy, strength and a better posture. Zhan Zhuang (standing meditation) is also part of his regular training, which gives him the sensitivity and center physically and mentally as well.
Since September 2011, he has passed all requirements to be Tai Chi teacher required by Tai Chi Club, and he has become certified teacher at Tai Chi Club.
For the past few years, Jérémie has been teaching Tai Chi and Chi-Gong for Tai Chi Club and for various community centers, for senior Day Care Centers, he had also demonstrated Tai Chi at many functions and activities.
Jérémie’s passion for Tai Chi is such that he made it his life style and desire to share his passion with as many people as possible. He believes “Chi is essential to life, practicing Tai Chi cultivate and increase strong chi, which gives a heavy bone density and a long healthy life.”

Linda Chénard
Linda Chénard has always searched for inner peace and well-being. From a very young age, her relentless pursuit of inner harmony led her to practice a number of disciplines, including meditation, yoga, breathing exercises and various healing workshops.
In 2015, Linda discovered Tai Chi and Qi Gong, bringing a happy change in her life: She gained access to a new way of working with Chi, the Energy. This vibrant discovery led her to become more deeply rooted in herself, simultaneously bringing a new form of balance. Her personal journey led her to Sifu Grace Chui and the Tai Chi Club, and she became involved in the Club’s activities. In 2021 having completed the criteria required by Tai Chi Club, she successfully passed and was certified as Tai Chi Club teacher.
Linda took a Qi-gong class with Master Chen Lisheng at Mont Wudang, China. She has also regularily taken workshops with Masters Grace Chui and Alex Dong. As well as practicing with weapons such as sabres, swords and sticks, she has a keen interest in Push Hands. Her greatest desire is to share her wonderful experience of Tai Chi with her students and friends, so that they too can appreciate its great power and immeasurable benefits.

Lyne Belisle
Lyne started learning Tai Chi in the fall of 2012 with Sifu Grace Chui and Sylvain Deschênes, co-founder of the club. From the first lessons she appreciated the discipline of this martial art. She believes that Tai Chi allows the refocusing and harmonizing of body and mind. Over the years the body becomes more flexible and the movements allow for the connection to and development of inner strength. Tai Chi is now a vital need in her life, her lifestyle.
She practices the Yang form, Hao form, push hands, FaJin, sword, saber, sticks and Qi Gong.
Lyne was certified as a Tai Chi teacher in 2023 fulfilling the requirements of the Tai Chi Club.

Mireille Chalifour
After years looking for a Tai Chi Master, 2010 Mireille Chalifour met Sifu Grace Chui at Tai Chi Club and Sylvain Deschênes, co-founder of the club. Immediately, she knew she had found a Tai Chi master who will teach her the traditional foundations of this art, and a school where she could train seriously and where her values were in harmony.
Mireille has practiced the Yang and Hao styles, Fast forms, Tai Chi sword and sticks as well as Qi Gong and push hands (Tui Shu). Shortly after, she has assisted Sifu Grace to teach Yang style tai chi. In December 2015, she has passed all requirements as Tai Chi Club teacher. To deepen her technique and understanding of Tai Chi, Mireille regularly attends workshops of Tai Chi Club. She follows the lineage of her Sifu – the Dong (Tung) family, joining workshops of Master Alex Dong, an international Tai Chi teacher who comes from a long generation of Tai Chi Chuan Chinese masters.
For Mireille, Taichi is a discipline that can work on both physical body and mind. The regular practice of Tai Chi contributes to a better flow of chi (vital energy) and thus helps in the prevention of several diseases.
In addition of her regular study and practice of Tai Chi, Mireille have been practicing and studying meditation and Indian spiritual teachings for over 20 years. She also studied for a few years Japanese Martial Arts.

Nedi Sisa
Nedi Sisa started working in China in 2005, and went on business trips a few times every year until 2015. He was impressed by its history, philosophy, arts, music, architecture, food and people’s daily life. He enjoys learning and speaking Mandarin. He was attracted by people practicing Tai Chi in the parks. He trained Yang style Tai Chi with Zhao Liang in Shenzhen, Patrick Kelly in Shanghai, and George Lin in Taipei. During that period, he lived in Istanbul where he trained the Yang style of Zheng Manqing with Suha Ertekin.
In 2016 Nedi started learning the Tung Ying Chieh Yang style Tai Chi in Montreal with Sifu Grace Chui at Chui Lap Kan Tai Chi Club. He also learned the Hao style, sword, saber, double stick, and eyebrows stick forms and push hands. He up-dated more skills by attending workshops organized by Tai Chi Club, namely those of Sifu Grace Chui, Master Alex Dong, Sylvain Deschênes and Jérémie Poitras. He completed the criteria requested by Tai Chi Club and Sifu Grace and received the teacher certificate in August 2024.

Nicole Picard
Nicole discovered Tai Chi in the early 1990s. She joined the Tai Chi Club in 2012. She practices several forms, including saber, sword, double sticks and Push Hands. She has taken several advanced classes with Sifu Grace and Master Alex Dong. In 2018, she travelled to Wudang in China to study Qi Gong with Master Chen Chen Lisheng.
In May 2019, Nicole met the requirements and criteria to become a certified teacher at Tai Chi Club. Her deepest wish when she teaches, is to give back to the students all that she has received throughout her years of training.

Richard Doyon
Richard has an easy going and patient character that has warranted the respect of his clients from his 28 years worked as a bus driver. Richard is always fond of martial arts since childhood, he practiced Sodokan Karate and several individual sports like cycling, cross-country skiing and archery (which he taught), and regularly participates in fitness center.
In July 2000 he has more time from his retirement and he has learned tai chi chuan at ‘Groupe On A Du Coeur’ in St. Hubert. After 5 years Richard and his colleagues volunteered to share their passion by teaching in the group and offering outdoor initiation courses at Parc de la Cité, in Saint-Hubert.
In Sept. 2006 Groupe On A Du Coeur has affliated with Tai Chi Club. Richard has begun to upgrade and improve his tai chi chuan by learning from Sifu Grace and Sylvain. He continuously improves his posture and the control of his movements by attending additional workshops of Masters Alex Dong, Grace Chui and Toni DeMoulin. He has also learned the qi-gong, sword, sabre, Fast Tai Chi and Hao form. In June of 2012, he becomes certified Tai Chi Chuan instructor at Tai Chi Club.

Sylvain Deschênes
Sylvain Deschênes has learned Tai Chi chuan from Master Chui Lap Kan since 1997. Sylvain Deschênes’ regard for Tai Chi is based on his earnest desire to attain equilibrium of body and spirit. Master Chui Lap Kan, a renowned expert in Yang style Tai Chi Chuan was his mentor and guide until he passed away in January 2004. He also studied control techniques (Chin Na) under Master Lee Man Charn (Wu style). Sylvain Deschênes met Master Dong Zeng Chen with whom he formed a very close bond. He has learned to perfect his Tai Chi by concentrating on its basic principles. In addition, he learned the Hao style and Push Hands (Tui Shu) from Master Dong. Now he up-date and improves his Tai Chi techniques following the same Dong family under Master Alex Dong. As well, he has been practicing regularly the tree posture (Zhan Zhuang) and meditation.
Sylvain Deschênes is a co-founder of the Montreal Tai Chi Club and l’Amicale Québécoise du Tai Chi Chuan, he is also most involved in the related disciplines. He assisted Master Chui to teach since 2000, he begins to teach independently since 2004. He also collaborates in forming quality instructors in order to make better known the less traditional forms of Tai Chi and to maximize the well-being of its practitioners.